M1 Mobile VetBringing Petcare to your doorstep

M1 Mobile VetBringing Petcare to your doorstep


Preventive Care

Flea, Tick and worm control:

Deworming (Drontal): based on weight 

up to 10 Kg: $20

up to 20 kg: $30

up to 30 kg: $40

up to 40 kg: $50

Yearly Bravecto quantum injection: fees based on weight

up to 10 kg: $200

up to 20 kg: $300

up to 30 kg: $400

up to 40 kg: $500

Yearly Heart worm prevention (weight dependant):

up to 10 kg: $150

up to 20 kg: $180

up to 35 kg: $250

up to 50 kg: $300

Heart worm test: $70 required for any pet which did not receive any Heart worm prevention for more than 6 months before starting prevention 

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