Healthy Bargain package
New Puppy Package:
$200 Puppies/Kittens package
Full check-up, vaccination, Microchipping and Deworming.
Yearly Bravecto quantum injection: Yearly Heart worm
Fees based on weight
up to 10 kg: $200 Up to 10 kg: $150
up to 20 kg: $300 Up to 20 kg: $180
up to 30 kg: $400 Up to 35 kg: $250
up to 40 kg: $500 Up to 50 kg: $300
Heart worm test: $70 required for any pet which did not receive any Heart worm prevention for more than 6 months before starting prevention
Arthritis package
600$ Arthritis package includes:
1- initial consultation and a final follow up revisit to assess the treatment course
2-Course of 4 weekly injections of pentosan to lubricate joints
3- one pack of joint supplement is included in the package to start with